AKC Fetch Dog Test

January 31, February 1 2026

Linda Wozniak
CHAPEL HILL, NC 27516-5755
(919) 302-4569   

Judging Starts at 9:30am

trick dog


  1. Dog owners teach tricks to their dogs at home
  2. When the dog has learned the tricks for the title, the dog owner sends a video (via a link, etc) of the dog performing the tricks to an AKC CGC Evaluator.
  3. The Evaluator reviews the video. Any fee arrangements for the Evaluator's time are between the Evaluator and the dog owner.
  4. Once the Evaluator reviews and approves the video, the Evaluator sends a copy of the Video Verification form
    1. to the DOG OWNER confirming that the dog passed the test, and
    2. to AKC at trickdog@akc.org

Then, to apply for the title, the DOG OWNER must send to AKC:

  1. a copy of the VIDEO VERIFICATION form from the Evaluator (the Evaluator will also send a copy to AKC)
  2. the Trick Dog Title Application, and
  3. TRICKS CHECKLIST (for each title level submitted).


  • Dog owners may choose to still have their Tricks test witnessed in person
  • Evaluators may choose whether or not they will offer video reviews
  • See a list of CGC Evaluators here



AKC Canine Good Citizen

Dates: TBA


Registration 9:00 - 11:00 AM (no preregistration)

Testing begins at 9:00 AM

Cost: $5.00 per dog

for details on the American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Program click here

AKC Community Canine Test

Dates: TBA

Where: Durham Kennel Club Building

Registration 9:00 - 11:00 AM (no preregistration)

Testing begins at 9:00 AM

Cost: $10.00 per dog

for details on the American Kennel Club Community Canine Test click here

Farm Dog Testing


Temperament Testing


Sponsored by Durham Kennel Club

DKC Building 7318 Guess Rd Durham NC

Directions to Durham Kennel Club Building

( 8.5 miles north of I-85, on Guess Rd. )



For more information contact George Beglane e-mail