Club Member Biography

Jimmy and Cathy Stutts

The canine addiction started for me when I was very young. We had lots of pets, my Mom raised German Shepherds and my Grandfather raised champion hunting Beagles. Jimmy s family had one dog for a very short time.
It wasn t long after we married that we bought a mini dachshund and named her Molly. She lived over 18 years and was my constant companion. Over the years the children had many dogs of different breeds.
In 2012 we were introduced to show dogs by a friend. Jimmy s competitive nature kicked in and he began to learn to show in the AKC ring. Grooming has always been my role, I love cleaning them up and making them beautiful. Bingley, the Polish Lowland Sheepdog, was the first. Pela followed next, then Henry, Anna (daughter of Pela), and finally Tuuli. All are AKC Champions and Henry and Pela Grand Champions.
Somewhere after Henry, I met a breeder in St. Louis that bred Havanese. I had always liked this breed and it just so happened, he had puppies! Enter Trucker, a male Havi pup. At a Specialty Show in Oklahoma City, I fell for a six month old female Havi and brought her home. Tess has had three litters and now we have seven!
In 2012 we began going to the Durham Kennel Club and Jimmy and Bingley learned to show. Every dog since, PON and Havanese, have been trained at Thursday night conformation class, obedience class and the fun B Matches. We would never had made it without the support and wealth of knowledge of all the folks at DKC! It is definitely a place to talk all things dog. We do enjoy the atmosphere there, it s a happy place for the dogs and us too.