As a young child I grew up with an adorable shepherd mix named Fritz. When Fritz passed we purchased a golden retriever named Ginger. Unfortunately she ended up having hip dysplasia so we did the responsible thing and had her spayed. She loved being outside as did I so we spent a lot of time hiking through the woods behind my parents house whenever possible. Her coat needed a lot of brushing and I guess that’s where I started to develop my love of grooming dogs.
Years later I moved from Massachusetts, where I grew up, to North Carolina. Shortly after my move, I rescued a little toy poodle named Pepper Pooh. From there I ended up purchasing standard poodles, and started to learn about canine performance events. Shortly thereafter I joined the Durham Kennel Club in the hopes of learning more about performance events.
My first standard poodles and I dabbled in agility, obedience, rally and then nosework. The Durham Kennel Club had some wonderful obedience classes which I thoroughly enjoyed as well as puppy classes with my youngsters.
Later on I also discovered my dogs love for retrieving and swimming so I started to learn more about the world of hunting retrieving and Upland.
My proudest moments were achieving an NW3elite with two of my standard poodles thru NACSW, and recently a master hunter title.
I have really enjoyed the camaraderie of the members of the Durham Kennel Club over the years. The ups and downs of my journeys with all of my dogs have been an incredible experience that I have shared with some wonderfully supportive people for which I am very grateful.