Club Member Biography

Kathy Patterson

We had English Springer Spaniels as pets in the family as I grew up, and that has always been my favorite breed.  As newlyweds, my husband and I got our first Springer, but she died unexpectedly at the tender age of 4.    Not long afterward, I found English Springer Rescue America and we adopted our first of many more to follow.  We've had 12 rescued Springers over the years, including our current trio, and our home has hosted over 50 foster dogs.

One of my rescued Springers did pet therapy and some clicker-trained tricks in the mid 2000's, and I currently do Nosework with one of my rescue Springers. I was never exposed to competitive dog obedience until I attended a national breed show in 2018 and watched a friend competing in rally. 

When I adopted a 1-year-old Springer in early 2019, I began clicker-training foundation work with him and we took our first Rally class at DKC later that year. I actually stopped after that first session - he and I both needed a better foundation in obedience. We persisted and returned to rally class in the next session and both enjoyed it so much. Quincy's tail never stops wagging as long as we are doing something together. He truly enjoys rally.

After taking two classes, I joined as a member and have gradually become more involved.  Since I am crazy about rally, I have enjoyed table stewarding a couple of trials where I can soak up even more rally. This year I've started assisting with rally classes in hopes of possibly teaching some future rally classes.  I've also helped launch a new communication platform for members to connect with one another.    I've enjoyed meeting new people through Durham Kennel Club even though a large part of it was limited due to Covid.  I m looking forward to the years ahead!