Growing up, my sister and I had little dogs but it wasn’t until my son was 12 that I actually chose a dog. He was a dachshund. In 1987, the Danville Parks and Recreation offered obedience classes taught by Gwen Milner. When I watched Gwen work her dogs, I got very interested in training.
My second dachshund had a great pedigree and his breeders suggested that I try conformation with him. Once he got his championship, I trained with Sally Glei who encouraged me to join Durham Kennel Club in 1990. That was "Max" who lived to be 14, getting his agility title at 11 years old.
I have done obedience, earth dog, agility, tracking, lure coursing, freestyle, rally excellent, and field trials. Barn Hunt was the most fun because dogs learn as they go. You need to trust the dog to know the rat is there. I never had goals for these but just wanted to keep learning. I have had plenty of help along the way from the Durham Kennel Club.
My dog Lucy has a Therapy Dog title from AKC, which you earn after 50 visits. We visit nursing homes in Danville through a group I joined called "Hearts of Gold" about 8 years ago.
I am very proud to have trained two dogs that earned their Versatility titles from the Dachshund Club of America. It takes a championship plus five titled AKC events to earn that award.
I depend on Durham Kennel Club for support, friendship, and a good safe place to train.