Club Member Biography

Sharon Pitz

When I was about 7 or 8, our first family dog, a year-old Belgian Tervuren, adopted us. She lived 12 years. Our second dog, a German Shepherd named Casper, flunked guard dog training and needed a home. He lived up to his name.

Once on my own and working, I adopted a 4-year-old Russian Wolfhound. She came to NC from Florida with a UNC freshman who thought he could keep her in his dorm room.  Wrong! She lived to 8 years of age. I started going to AKC shows and obedience trials to look at different breeds and fell in love with the Golden Retrievers.

In 1983, I purchased an 8 week old Golden puppy. I thought I knew how to train a dog, but I was WRONG! I found an ad in the newspaper for DKC obedience training classes, enrolled Bolder, and joined DKC. About a year later, I got George, my second Golden (about 1 ½ years old).  Eventually I had nine more Goldens: Mariah, Michael, Aurora, Rusty, Electra, Glory, Ahna, Scully, and Delilah – all AKC registered.

Titles earned and K-9 sport activities include: Obedience, Conformation, Tracking, Barn Hunt, Agility, Rally, Dock Diving, Trick Dog, and Pet Therapy. My newest interest is Scent Work. I’ve been active in Pet Therapy since 1994 with nine past dogs active in working at Duke Hospital and Cancer Center. Delilah should soon make number 10.

Some past and present DKC activities include: Building Rental, Show ‘n Go’s, Kitchen Hospitality and supply orders, Obedience Chair and committee member, club recycling, past President, Yard Sale Chair, and Obedience Class Instructor.

My proudest moment is being selected as a DKC Life Member.