My family had a Boston Terrier when I was a baby but I do not remember that. I did not have a dog when I was growing up. I had many cats. When I got my first job I said I would get a convertible and a German Shepherd. Watching Rin Tin Tin and Roy Roger’s Bullet convinced me that this was the breed for me. The convertible did not last but the German Shepherds did. I have owned them since the 60’s.
I did not show that first Shepherd but did subscribe to the AKC Gazette and found out about obedience trials. I attended several and decided my next dog would be an obedience dog.I put a CD on that dog in the US and Canada but she had hip dysplasia and could not go further. I became interested in judging and learned the re quirements. I started keeping records of classes I taught, matches I judged, books I read, seminars I attended while working toward my UD. I was approved to judge Novice obedience in 1987 and approved to judge rally when it was first started by the AKC.
I have titled my Shepherds in obedience, rally, agility, herding, and coursing ability. I also titled two Goldens in rally, obedience and agility. My current dogs are a German Shepherd named Treu who is titled in obedience, rally and coursing ability. I wanted something small that my Shepherds couldn’t break and I got a Cairn Terrier named MacDuff. He is a lot of fun and has titles in rally, agility, coursing and barn hunt.
My proudest moment was when I completed and American and Canadian UDT on my first utility shepherd.
I was a candidate member of Durham for many years as I was unable to complete the meeting requirement since I live a considerable distance away. It was through Ann Carter’s efforts to have some daytime meetings that I was able to complete my requirements. The things I like best about DKC are the friendly, helpful members, the variety of competition classes that they have and the trials that are held each year.